Behind the Scenes: Gift Assembly

The Gift Assembly Process


Earlier this month, Barbie Hull Photography was on hand capturing behind the scenes as we assembled 450 gifts in anticipation of Toth Construction’s Virtual Oktoberfest Party. While much of the work begins prior to assembly day, assembly days can be long, especially when dealing with short deadlines. Prior to assembly we work with clients to find the right additions to their custom gifts and then set about ordering all of the product through local suppliers, makers and artisans through our custom gifting process.


Once we have all of the product in tow, the assembly can begin. Starting with empty boxes and containers we fill each box with the appropriate filler before adding the products that make up each gift. Occasionally our clients choose gift bags which alters the process slightly as these are filled with products first, and then topped with tissue paper.


The final stage is delivery. While our business model has been focused on delivery to each event or celebration over the years; with the Pandemic and the rise in virtual events, shipping has been commonplace as we are now needing to delivery and ship gifts to each individual recipient.


The best part of owning Evergreen Custom Gifting is hearing the delight from our clients who were bombarded with gratitude from the gift recipients after they opened the custom gifts. For Toth Oktoberfest we created two versions of the custom Oktoberfest themed gifts. Most gifts were filled with a traditional Hofbräu Original Lager hailing from Germany however for those who do not drink, a specialty mustard it was!


Meet the Makers: Seattle Chocolate Company


Custom Gifts: Toth Construction